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The architecture firm JWTARQ specializes in the different branches of architecture, always combining experience and innovation.


The common objective of the firm is to achieve perfection in its designs to positively impact all the interests of its clients, the community and the world, for this the firm has standardized processes, operational structure and a focus on conceptualization, reasoning and awareness in each of your projects.


The team is made up of different profiles; creative, technical, specialist, administrative and financial. As well as multidisciplinary teams. One of the advantages of JWTARQ is that in addition to being an architecture firm, it also has sister companies in the construction sector.


They have a central office in Guadalajara Jalisco and one more headquarters in Culiacán, Sinaloa, with the ability to project throughout the Mexican Republic and abroad.

JWTARQ architecture firm specializes in different areas of architecture with a combination of experience and innovation.


The common objective of the firm is to achieve perfection in its designs to influence in a positive way all of the interests of its costumers, the community and the world. It also has standarized processes and focuses on conceptualization, reasoning and awarness in each of its projects.


All of the team's members have different profiles: creative, technical, specialists, administrative and financial. In addition to being an architectural firm, they work hand by hand with their construction and a supervision Company.


Nowadays, JWTARQ is located in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México; and has a branch in Culiacán, Sinaloa, México with the capacity of working worldwide.


Creemos que cada proyecto es una oportunidad para crear algo especial; buscamos diseñar experiencias y emociones. Nuestra integridad radica en mantenernos fieles a los principios de calidad y autenticidad, asegurando que cada diseño sea una verdadera representación del carácter y la funcionalidad que nuestros clientes buscan.


La arquitectura del futuro debe ser sostenible. Nos comprometemos a incorporar prácticas innovadoras, tecnologías y ecológicas que no solo reduzcan el impacto ambiental, sino que también generen valor a largo plazo para nuestros clientes y la comunidad. Cada proyecto es una oportunidad para empujar los límites de la sostenibilidad sin sacrificar la estética o la funcionalidad.


Entendemos que cada cliente es único, y cada proyecto debe reflejar su visión y necesidades. Fomentamos un enfoque colaborativo en el que nuestros clientes son socios activos en el proceso de diseño. A través de una comunicación abierta y una escucha atenta, garantizamos que cada detalle del proyecto se ajuste perfectamente a sus expectativas y objetivos.


Cada proyecto debe responder a su entorno y cultura. Valoramos el contexto local y la historia del lugar, integrando nuestras creaciones de manera armoniosa con el paisaje y el patrimonio. Buscamos que nuestros diseños no solo sean funcionales y estéticamente agradables, sino también respetuosos y enriquecedores para la comunidad.

La calidad en el diseño solo es completa cuando se refleja en la ejecución. Mantenemos estándares rigurosos en la selección de materiales, la coordinación de contratistas y el seguimiento del proceso constructivo. Nuestro compromiso con la excelencia constante, busca que cada proyecto se realice con precisión y se entregue a tiempo, respetando el presupuesto acordado.


Creemos en el poder transformador de la arquitectura. Nuestro objetivo es crear espacios que no solo sean funcionales y estéticamente impactantes, sino que también dejen una huella positiva en quienes los usan y en la comunidad en general. Queremos que cada proyecto que emprendemos sea un legado de innovación, belleza y funcionalidad.

We believe that every project is an opportunity to create something special; We seek to design experiences and emotions. Our integrity lies in staying true to the principles of quality and authenticity, ensuring that each design is a true representation of the character and functionality our customers seek.

The architecture of the future must be sustainable. We are committed to incorporating innovative, technological and green practices that not only reduce environmental impact, but also generate long-term value for our customers and the community. Every project is an opportunity to push the boundaries of sustainability without sacrificing aesthetics or functionality.

We understand that each client is unique, and each project should reflect their vision and needs. We encourage a collaborative approach where our clients are active partners in the design process. Through open communication and attentive listening, we ensure that every detail of the project fits perfectly with your expectations and objectives.

Each project must respond to its environment and culture. We value the local context and history of the place, integrating our creations harmoniously with the landscape and heritage. We seek our designs to be not only functional and aesthetically pleasing, but also respectful and enriching for the community.

Quality in design is only complete when it is reflected in execution. We maintain rigorous standards in the selection of materials, the coordination of contractors and the monitoring of the construction process. Our commitment to constant excellence seeks to ensure that each project is carried out with precision and delivered on time, respecting the agreed budget.

We believe in the transformative power of architecture. Our goal is to create spaces that are not only functional and aesthetically impactful, but also leave a positive mark on those who use them and the community at large. We want every project we undertake to be a legacy of innovation, beauty and functionality.

Mtro. Arq. Johann W. Timmermann Gastélum

Johann W. Timmermann studied Architecture at ITESO, Guadalajara, Jalisco. In Barcelona, Spain I am taking the Architectural Project Workshop. He has a master's degree in Construction Administration from the Universidad Panamericana de Guadalajara. Earned program certificate from Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI_Arc), Los Angeles, California. He took part in business courses in Vancouver BC, Canada. During his preparation as an Architect he has completed Diplomas in Administration, Finance and courses in Art. He is the son of Interior Designer Tey Gastélum Castro and Architect Willy Timmermann Gotsis. In 2008, the Johann W. Timmermann (JWTARQ) firm started, which has developed in residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and urban projects and works.

Johann W. Timmermann studied architecture at ITESO, Guadalajara, Jalisco.

In Europe I have attended the workshop of Architectural Design in Barcelona, Spain. He has a master degree in Construction Management from Universidad Panamericana. He enrolled a program at Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) and he was part of several business programs in Vancouver BC, Canada. During his preparation as a an architect he has completed courses in arts, administration, and finances. Timmermann is the son of Interior designer Tey Gastelum and Architect Willy Timmermann Gotsis. In 2008 I have started JWTARQ which specializes in residential, commercial, industrial, urban and social projects.

Johnn W. Timmermann
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Arquitectura | Diseño | Arquitecto | Johann W. Timmermann | JWTARQ | Firma de Arquitectura | Diseño de Interiores | Constructora | Inmobiliaria | Jalisco | Zapopan | Guadalajara | Mexican Architect | Proyecto | Diseño Casa | Diseño Edificio | Casa con diseño | Arquitectos para construccion de casas | El mejor arquitecto mexicano | Opciones de arquitectos para diseño de casa | Arquitecto fraccionamiento | Arquitecto desarrollador


Page: Archdaily

Title: "Meet the selected ones from the Digital Archive of Mexico at the 15. Venice Biennale"

Author: Daniela Cruz

Date: January 2016


Click on the image to go to the mention link.

Arquitectura | Diseño | Arquitecto | Johann W. Timmermann | JWTARQ | Firma de Arquitectura | Diseño de Interiores | Constructora | Inmobiliaria | Jalisco | Zapopan | Guadalajara | Mexican Architect | Proyecto | Diseño Casa | Diseño Edificio | Casa con diseño | Arquitectos para construccion de casas | El mejor arquitecto mexicano | Opciones de arquitectos para diseño de casa | Arquitecto fraccionamiento | Arquitecto desarrollador

Contest: "Skyhive Skyscraper Challenge"

Date: 01/10/18.

Project: Arch. Johann W. Timmermann Gastélum.

Collaborators: Arch. Alejandro Arias, Arch. Daniel Jacobo

Click on the image to go to the mention link.

Arquitectura | Diseño | Arquitecto | Johann W. Timmermann | JWTARQ | Firma de Arquitectura | Diseño de Interiores | Constructora | Inmobiliaria | Jalisco | Zapopan | Guadalajara | Mexican Architect | Proyecto | Diseño Casa | Diseño Edificio | Casa con diseño | Arquitectos para construccion de casas | El mejor arquitecto mexicano | Opciones de arquitectos para diseño de casa | Arquitecto fraccionamiento | Arquitecto desarrollador

Social project


Zapopan, Jal., Mx.


Arquitectura | Diseño | Arquitecto | Johann W. Timmermann | JWTARQ | Firma de Arquitectura | Diseño de Interiores | Constructora | Inmobiliaria | Jalisco | Zapopan | Guadalajara | Mexican Architect | Proyecto | Diseño Casa | Diseño Edificio | Casa con diseño | Arquitectos para construccion de casas | El mejor arquitecto mexicano | Opciones de arquitectos para diseño de casa | Arquitecto fraccionamiento | Arquitecto desarrollador

Conference: "Beyond design"

Congress: "Sharing Experiences".

Place: Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Sinaloa.

Date: 04/22/16.

Speaker: Arch. Johann W. Timmermann Gastélum.

Click on the image to see a summary video.

Arquitectura | Diseño | Arquitecto | Johann W. Timmermann | JWTARQ | Firma de Arquitectura | Diseño de Interiores | Constructora | Inmobiliaria | Jalisco | Zapopan | Guadalajara | Mexican Architect | Proyecto | Diseño Casa | Diseño Edificio | Casa con diseño | Arquitectos para construccion de casas | El mejor arquitecto mexicano | Opciones de arquitectos para diseño de casa | Arquitecto fraccionamiento | Arquitecto desarrollador

Conference: "Histories"

Congress: "Integrating Ideas".

Date: 05/14/15.

Speaker: Arch. Johann W. Timmermann Gastélum.

Click on the image to see a summary video.

Arquitectura | Diseño | Arquitecto | Johann W. Timmermann | JWTARQ | Firma de Arquitectura | Diseño de Interiores | Constructora | Inmobiliaria | Jalisco | Zapopan | Guadalajara | Mexican Architect | Proyecto | Diseño Casa | Diseño Edificio | Casa con diseño | Arquitectos para construccion de casas | El mejor arquitecto mexicano | Opciones de arquitectos para diseño de casa | Arquitecto fraccionamiento | Arquitecto desarrollador


Magazine: In your work

Edition: June 2015

Johann W. Timmermann studied Architecture at ITESO, Guadalajara, Jalisco. In Barcelona, Spain I am taking the Architectural Project Workshop. He has a master's degree in Construction Administration from the Universidad Panamericana de Guadalajara. Earned program certificate from Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI_Arc), Los Angeles, California. He took part in business courses in Vancouver BC, Canada. During his preparation as an Architect he has completed Diplomas in Administration, Finance and courses in Art. He is the son of Interior Designer Tey Gastélum Castro and Architect Willy Timmermann Gotsis. In 2008, the Johann W. Timmermann (JWTARQ) firm started, which has developed in residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and urban projects and works.

Johann W. Timmermann studied architecture at ITESO, Guadalajara, Jalisco.

In Europe I have attended the workshop of Architectural Design in Barcelona, Spain. He has a master degree in Construction Management from Universidad Panamericana. He enrolled a program at Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) and he was part of several business programs in Vancouver BC, Canada. During his preparation as a an architect he has completed courses in arts, administration, and finances. Timmermann is the son of Interior designer Tey Gastelum and Architect Willy Timmermann Gotsis. In 2008 I have started JWTARQ which specializes in residential, commercial, industrial, urban and social projects.

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